Our Crimson Cascade Bouquet is a lavish expression of emotion, tailored to the magnitude of your sentiments. Whether you choose 35, 50, or 100 roses, each arrangement is a masterpiece of beauty and elegance.
35 Roses: A whisper of affection, perfect for a gentle reminder of love.
50 Roses: A full-hearted declaration, ideal for making a bold romantic statement.
100 Roses: A grand gesture, the ultimate expression of love and desire.
Each bouquet is exquisitely wrapped in a sophisticated black paper that highlights the vivid red of the roses, and tied with a ribbon that we personalize for you, at no extra cost. It’s more than a bouquet; it’s a personal testament of your feelings, handcrafted for the one who holds your heart.
Choose your Crimson Cascade Bouquet and let the roses do the talking. 🌹💌