Roses are a meaningful gift for any occasion. Pinky Pinky Bouquet is a combination of pink roses and pink Transvaal daisies. Pink roses give us a feeling of lightness and serenity. It is a symbol of gratitude and thanksgiving for someone’s meaningful deeds. In other words, this color represents tenderness and admiration and expresses overflowing happiness. If your love is just budding, pink roses are a great choice. It does not carry the passion of a red rose, but it does express a confession with all sincerity. Besides, it also symbolizes motherhood, gratitude, and respect. So, pink roses are also the perfect mother’s day gift. Within them were branches of pale pink Transvaal daisies. The color symbolizes encouragement, trust, excitement, admiration, and enthusiasm. In addition, it also symbolizes absolute admiration and respect for each other. If the person of your dreams is a strong and personable girl, gifting a bouquet of pink Transvaal daisies is the most appropriate choice, both expressing romance and symbolizing admiration and care for her. Pink daisy flowers in general have the meaning of luck, happiness, and wealth. Therefore, people often use them on joyful occasions to bring luck, joy, and happiness to the owner. The message that this flower brings is “Let happiness be your compass!”. To add color to this bouquet are wax flowers. This is truly the perfect combination.
Because there are so many different ways to bring good luck, the Pinky Pinky bouquet is frequently chosen to display in the house at New Year’s or to give to your friends and partners on happy occasions such as opening, congratulating on success, and even in wedding ceremonies.
– Place the flowers in a cool place, away from direct sunlight.
– It has foam so it doesn’t need to be watered a lot.
– Fresh lasts from 5 to 7 days
– Place flowers away from fruits and vegetables.
Pink Transvaal daisy and Pink rose |
12 – 24 stems |
Wax flowers | 1 bunch |
Wrapping paper | White with gold line |
Ribbon | White or Beige |
Height | 2.5 – 3.5 ft |
Width | 2-3 ft |
Weight | 14-20 lbs |