The color of this bouquet is hard to find
It’s rare to see mint baby breath flowers. Because of this, a bouquet of mint flowers can be a stand-out gift that reminds everyone of you.
If you find it’s hard to choose a gift, 98 Flowers has this suggestion for you. How can a romantic heart refuse this unique gift?
– Place the flowers in a cool place, away from direct sunlight.
– It has foam so it doesn’t need to water a lot.
– Fresh last 5 to 7 days
– Place flowers away from fruits and vegetables.
Mint Baby Breath Flower | 15 bunches |
Wrapping paper | Grey and White |
Ribbon | White |
Color Theme | Dark Mint |
Height | 4-5.5 ft |
Width | 2-2.5 ft |
Weight | 10-15 lbs |