Serene Beauty Bouquet & Golden Grandeur Bouquet


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  • Serene Beauty Bouquet – An oasis of white roses and lisianthus, wrapped in calm blue, a serene token of pure love and tranquility.
  • Golden Grandeur Bouquet – A regal blend of red roses and golden blooms, wrapped in opulence, radiating the splendor of love’s golden hour.
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  • Tulip $
  • Red Rose $
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Serene Beauty Bouquet Immerse yourself in the tranquil beauty of the Serene Beauty Bouquet from 98 Flowers 🌹. This serene arrangement consists of a lush assortment of crisp white roses 🌹, delicate lisianthus, and fragrant seasonal greenery 🍃. Each flower is a whisper of purity, carefully selected to create a harmonious bouquet that calms the soul. The bouquet is wrapped in a sky-blue mesh that evokes a peaceful horizon, completed with a graceful ribbon that reads “With Love” in a golden script. The Serene Beauty Bouquet brings a breath of fresh air and a peaceful escape from the bustling world.

Golden Grandeur Bouquet Step into a realm of opulence with the Golden Grandeur Bouquet from 98 Flowers 🌹. This luxurious bouquet pairs deep red roses with golden blooms, each petal reflecting the warmth and richness of a timeless tradition. Verdant eucalyptus leaves 🍃 add a touch of natural elegance, creating a stunning contrast with the gilded flowers. Enveloped in a regal gold and black wrapping that cascades like a royal gown, this bouquet is tied with a lavish black ribbon, making it the epitome of sophistication and grandeur. The Golden Grandeur Bouquet is a tribute to love’s everlasting splendor.


Tulip, Red Rose


  • Because of the perishable nature of flowers, all products are non-refundable. Please check the flowers carefully before receiving them. 98 Flowers will not refund the orders that have been confirmed as received. 
  • The sender has the obligation to ensure that the recipient will be at the delivery address on the day specified. Otherwise, we will not issue a refund because we fulfilled our responsibility by delivering on the date requested by the sender.
  • 98 Flowers will not issue refunds if the recipient refuses to accept the products. 
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  • Houston Area: Experience the convenience of Same-Day Delivery.
  • Dallas Region: Choose from our array of exquisite pre-made arrangements available for Same-Day Delivery, or select other bespoke options for delivery within 1-2 business days.
Out-of-State Shipping: We're delighted to extend our services nationwide. All out-of-state orders are expediently shipped via UPS Next Day Air, ensuring your flowers arrive fresh and vibrant. You can expect your order within 1-3 business days. A nominal shipping fee of $40 applies.

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