The Majestic Midnight Bloom bouquet is the perfect blend of romance and sophistication. This stunning arrangement showcases a harmonious mix of red and blush roses, pink carnations, and delicate alstroemeria, beautifully complemented by fresh greenery. Wrapped in a sleek black and gold-trimmed design, it exudes a sense of grandeur and mystery, making it the perfect gift for an unforgettable moment.
🌹 Features:
- Red and blush roses for passion and admiration
- Pink carnations and alstroemeria symbolizing love and appreciation
- Elegant black and gold wrapping for a regal touch
- Comes with a personalized message card
🎀 Perfect for:
- Birthday surprises & romantic occasions
- Luxury gift lovers
- Celebrations & special milestones
💝 Order now at 98 Flowers – Express your love in 3 hours or less!