Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet red flower bouquet, red roses

Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet


1783 People watching this product now!

💰 Labor $105 + the Cash inside (Contact us for order)
Step into success with the ‘Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet’ – a graduation bouquet 🎓💐 that blends the splendor of roses with the promise of prosperity, featuring a teddy in cap and gowned in luck and opulence.

The default for every bouquet is $1 bills. You can upgrade to add more cash inside at no additional charge. Contact us at 346-600-9898.


Shipping Available Across the USA!

We now offer shipping for our unique Money Flower Bouquets to all states across the USA! Your custom bouquet will arrive within 2-5 business days, carefully packaged to ensure it reaches you in perfect condition.


Let me know if you need further adjustments!

Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet red flower bouquet, red roses
Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet red flower bouquet, red roses
Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet red flower bouquet, red roses
Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet red flower bouquet, red roses
Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet red flower bouquet, red roses
Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet red flower bouquet, red roses
Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet red flower bouquet, red roses
Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet red flower bouquet, red roses
Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet red flower bouquet, red roses
Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet red flower bouquet, red roses
Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet red flower bouquet, red roses
Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet red flower bouquet, red roses

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The ‘Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet’ is a grand salute to the graduate’s potential and future successes. A vision in red and green, this graduation bouquet features velvety roses and crisp dollar bill origami, signifying the wealth of opportunities ahead. At the center is a plush teddy bear, donned in graduation garb, embodying the joy and ambition of academic achievement. Draped in modern black and translucent wrapping and adorned with a red ribbon, this bouquet is ready for your congratulatory words on the accompanying card, celebrating the graduate’s transition from scholarship to affluence.


  • Wealth-Inspired Teddy Bear: A symbol of the rich future awaiting the graduate.
  • Velvet Roses & Money Origami: Signifying love and incoming prosperity.
  • Translucent & Black Wrapping: A sleek design for the sophisticated grad.
  • Personalizable Message Card: To share your bespoke words of encouragement and congratulations.

Why You Should Buy:

  • Symbolic Gesture of Success: An offering that expresses belief in their bright financial future.
  • Enduring Sentiment: The teddy, a comforting reminder of academic and future prosperity.
  • Sophisticated Arrangement: A blend of traditional elegance and modern aspirations.
  • Custom Congratulatory Message: Make it personal with your message of success and fortune.

Present the ‘Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet’, and gift a vision of success wrapped in tradition and the promise of a prosperous tomorrow. 🎉🐻💵


  • Because of the perishable nature of flowers, all products are non-refundable. Please check the flowers carefully before receiving them. 98 Flowers will not refund the orders that have been confirmed as received. 
  • The sender has the obligation to ensure that the recipient will be at the delivery address on the day specified. Otherwise, we will not issue a refund because we fulfilled our responsibility by delivering on the date requested by the sender.
  • 98 Flowers will not issue refunds if the recipient refuses to accept the products. 
Local Delivery Options:
  • Houston Area: Experience the convenience of Same-Day Delivery.
  • Dallas Region: Choose from our array of exquisite pre-made arrangements available for Same-Day Delivery, or select other bespoke options for delivery within 1-2 business days.
Out-of-State Shipping: We're delighted to extend our services nationwide. All out-of-state orders are expediently shipped via UPS Next Day Air, ensuring your flowers arrive fresh and vibrant. You can expect your order within 1-3 business days. A nominal shipping fee of $40 applies.

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Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet red flower bouquet, red roses
Prosperous Future Rose Bouquet red flower bouquet, red roses