Serene Beauty Bouquet Immerse yourself in the tranquil beauty of the Serene Beauty Bouquet from 98 Flowers 🌹. This serene arrangement consists of a lush assortment of crisp white roses 🌹, delicate lisianthus, and fragrant seasonal greenery 🍃. Each flower is a whisper of purity, carefully selected to create a harmonious bouquet that calms the soul. The bouquet is wrapped in a sky-blue mesh that evokes a peaceful horizon, completed with a graceful ribbon that reads “With Love” in a golden script. The Serene Beauty Bouquet brings a breath of fresh air and a peaceful escape from the bustling world.
Golden Grandeur Bouquet Step into a realm of opulence with the Golden Grandeur Bouquet from 98 Flowers 🌹. This luxurious bouquet pairs deep red roses with golden blooms, each petal reflecting the warmth and richness of a timeless tradition. Verdant eucalyptus leaves 🍃 add a touch of natural elegance, creating a stunning contrast with the gilded flowers. Enveloped in a regal gold and black wrapping that cascades like a royal gown, this bouquet is tied with a lavish black ribbon, making it the epitome of sophistication and grandeur. The Golden Grandeur Bouquet is a tribute to love’s everlasting splendor.